Homepage Accommodation Accommodation rules

Brief apartment accommodation rules

Immediate termination of stay by the operator:

If the number of persons allowed during the stay is exceeded.

In case of destruction or damage to the accommodation facility (vandalism).


Accommodation rules:

1. The guest is obliged to familiarize himself with the accommodation regulations and respect them.
2. The use of the premises during the stay is at the guest's own responsibility.
3. It is the guest's own responsibility to wear slippers when entering the property.
4. It is forbidden to wear outdoor shoes in the building.
5. Accommodation with animals is not allowed.
6. All guests must take care of order, cleanliness and spare the equipment, which must not be moved or taken out of the building.
7. The client is obliged by his/her actions to prevent damage to the building and its equipment and to prevent fire during the entire stay.
8. From 10 PM to 6 AM, it is necessary to observe the night-time quiet.
9. For safety reasons, the client does not leave children unattended on the premises.
10. The property can only accommodate a guest who presents a booking confirmation and ID.
11. The guest is obliged to pay for the accommodation before arrival by bank transfer or credit card through the payment gateway.
12. The price of wellness is 350 CZK per person for 120 minutes. Private spa is charged at 500 CZK per person per 120 minutes.
13. There is a strict no smoking policy throughout the property with a fine of 5,000 CZK.
14. Guests are required to turn off taps, close windows, turn off electrical appliances, turn off lights and lock up whenever they leave the property.
15. On the day of departure, the guest is obliged to vacate the room by 10:00, otherwise the next night will be charged.
16. Upon departure, the guest is obliged to hand over the keys to the property manager.
17. In the event of damage to the room or common areas or loss of keys, the operator is entitled to charge the guest an appropriate financial compensation.
18. Any defects must be reported to the apartment manager immediately.
19. The apartment operator is not liable for injuries or damage to the property of the occupants.
20. Liability in relation to natural and legal persons is governed by the Civil Code.
21. In case of gross or repeated violation of the accommodation conditions, the building owner has the right to cancel the accommodation.